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The Hodges Square Governance Committee consists of business owners and residents who see a bright and prosperous future for the neighborhood community in Northeast New London!
HSVA Mission Statement


The Hodges Square Village Association’s (HSVA) mission is to revitalize the immediate and surrounding neighborhood by mobilizing existing assets and using these to transform and sustain northeast New London as a resilient urban village*.


This initiative is a concerted community effort to develop the area around basic principles of social, physical and natural capital.


HSVA is an inclusive association of residents and business owners formed to be a catalyst for these activities including short and longer term projects. HSVA accomplishes its mission by partnering with local stake holders in the form of institutions, associations, and government. A means of financially sustaining these varied initiatives will be developed around strategic alignments.


Hodges Square Village Association will provide the governance, community stewardship and a means to attract neighborhood residents and businesses to drive the mission.


* “An urban village is a way to describe a community which has the best mix of elements of both a city and village. The city or urban life provides a place of activity, opportunity, diversity, business, and a variety of living accommodations. On the other hand, the notion of being a village fosters a place of repose, tranquility, and familiarity. The area we are describing as an urban village is a unique blend of attributes of a village which is integrally part of a small city. The residents of this urban village, which is now designated as Northeast New London, are proud they are a diverse blend of ages, ethnicities, incomes, and cultural heritages which provide the energizing social, physical, education, recreational, and natural attributes of the area.”



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Bailey Circle New London, CT 06320

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